Pack of Lies (Monster Hunt book 1) by Charlie Adhara

"Gahhhh I was so excited when it was announced we were getting Eli's story and I'm happy to report the start of his series did not disappoint." Jacqueleen the Reading Queen on Pack of Lies.

From the blurb:

Werewolf meets human. Werewolf snubs human. Werewolf loves human?

Julien Doran arrived in sleepy Maudit Falls, North Carolina, with a heart full of hurt and a head full of questions. The key to his brother's mysterious last days might be found in this tiny town, and now Julien's amateur investigation is starting to unearth things the locals would rather keep buried.

Perhaps most especially the strange, magnetic manager of a deserted retreat that's nearly as odd as its staff.

Eli Smith is a lot of things: thief, werewolf, glamour-puss, liar. And now the manager of a haven for rebel pack runaways. He’s spent years cultivating a persona to disguise his origins, but for the first time ever he’s been entrusted with a real responsibility—and he plans to take that seriously.

Even if the handsome tourist who claims to be in town for some R & R is clearly on a hunt for all things paranormal. And hasn't taken his brooding gaze off Eli since he's arrived.

When an old skeleton and a fresh corpse turn a grief errand into a murder investigation, the unlikely Eli is the only person Julien can turn to. Trust is hard to come by in a town known for its monsters, but so is time…

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's Review:

It's no secret I'm a fan of this author's Big Bad Wolf series. Oliver and Cooper are an amazing couple, but after meeting Eli in their series, I definitely wanted to know more about the slippery wolf ex of Oliver's. How funny that it would also be a human Eli finds himself falling for.

Julian is most definitely human, and he's most definitely not aware. That's what humans who are privy to the existence of the supernatural are known as. Julian's brother spent his life "hunting monsters" such as the elusive big foot. And Julian spent his bailing his brother out of many a bad situation on his hunting trips. That is until his brother mysteriously dies. Now Julian is chasing the last lead his brother had, hoping for a clue as to what could have happened to his brother. He sure doesn't expect to find out his brother may not have been as crazy as he seemed.

It's during his solo investigation that Julian meets Eli. Some car trouble leads him right to the front door of the retreat for wolves which Eli is charged with managing. Of course Eli can't get rid of the human fast enough, but for some reason their paths just keep crossing again and again. It doesn't help that there's a murder or two uncovered and that both men are harboring some pretty deep secrets. Oh, and their tastes in bed also happen to match up perfectly. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, it seems. The ending leaves us with just a glimmer of the potential romance which has me chomping at the bit already for book 2. I'll be not so patiently waiting.

Rating: 5 Stars

Pack of Lies is currently available as an e-book, paperback, Audiobook and Audiobook CD in wide distribution
