I am so pleased to have author Jaiyde Thomas with us in the hot seat today! Her first MM Romance is currently being recorded for audio release and we're also excited to be hosting her Birthday Bash next month - more details on that after the interview...
Indie or Traditionally published? - Tell us how this works for you...
I am an indie author. I self-publish through Amazon, and I've loved every second of it!
Plot or Pants? Do you pre-plot your books, use an outline, fly by the seat of your pants or some combination of things? How do you keep track of characters in a series? Do you keep a journal of your characters’ statistics, such as hair and eye color, relatives, hometown, etc.
I am a plotter. I have character outlines where I document their background, appearance, motivations, desires, and goals. Then, I work on the plot. Afterwards, I outline 10-20 chapters of the book before I begin writing.
Tell us about your first… published M/M fiction/romance
Claim Me, Love Me is a story about Caleb, a young man whose first crush was killed in front of his eyes in middle school, making it impossible for him to reveal the truth about his sexuality for twenty-two years; and Josiah, a man who grew up in the foster system where he was ridiculed for being gay. It's an emotional story that'll have you crying and wanting to wrap your arms around these two men.
and then your most recent one..
A Destined Christmas Miracle isn't published yet. It is in the editing stage, but it follows Colin, a young man who is heartbroken after a fling betrays him, which takes him out of state to visit a hardcore BDSM club where his life changes forever; and Stephen, a young man who doubts himself because of his blindness and worries that he may not be good enough. This book will make you cry, no doubt about that!
Do you write full time or part-time?
I am a full-time writer for now.
Something people would be surprised to know about you
I am blind. I have been blind since birth due to retinopathy of prematurity and glaucoma. My blindness doesn't define me, and it is the reason why I write about disabled persons.
Which character still pops into your mind to visit from time to time?
I wrote a gay romance titled A Destined Christmas Miracle for NanoWrimo, and one of the main characters, Colin, is somehow still hanging around.
Where do you write? Do you have a routine?
Normally, I sit in my living room at my desk and write. However, with the weather warming up, I'd love to venture outdoors to see if inspiration strikes. My routine usually consists of turning on music to set the mood, and then, start writing. I can usually write for about 2-4 hours before I need to take a break.
What’s the hardest part about writing M/M romance or erotica?
With me being blind, I worry that I'm not capturing the visuals accurately or vividly. Since I've never had sight, it is harder to capture scenes involving vision. I do read a lot, so I try to remember how other words were used to describe certain things. Hope that makes sense.
What is the funniest scene you’ve written?
It's not funny per se, but in A Destined Christmas Miracle, Stephen, Colin's Dominant, puts him in his place during an intense moment with Colin's mother. A therapist, Colin's aunt, and his mother were present. How embarrassed would you be if your Dominant told you to get into "Position one" in front of your relatives.
What made you decide M/M romance was the genre you wanted to write? Do you write other genres?
I do write BDSM erotic romance under the pen name Kelanie Black. I had been reading a lot of gay romance last year, which prompted me to write one of my own. That's not the only reason though. I've been busting my ass, trying to promote my BDSM erotic romance, and...nothing! When I switched over to gay romance however, I've noticed a change. Readers are more willing to give a new MM author a chance, and I love that!
Where do you find inspiration?
A lot of inspiration comes from other books. The Internet is very helpful with gaining new ideas, especially when it comes to BDSM. Music and other friends' experiences are another way to get ideas.
What do you do if you hit a wall while writing? How do you combat writer’s block?
This has happened multiple times for me. Most times, I try to focus on something else until ideas start flowing, and that something else usually is reading.
What is your favorite thing about writing M/M romance?
I am a sucker for happily ever afters, so when I can create one happy couple by the end of a book, I am ecstatic! And you can't forget the sex! Spicy scenes are always fun to write!
How can we connect with you?
I can be found on Twitter @jaiyde_thomas, Instagram @jaiyde_thomas, facebook @jaiyde thomas, my website:I also have merchandise on TeeSpring. My podcast is:My youTube channel is:
Thanks so much for having me!!!!
Want to know more about Jaiyde and her book, join us in the MM & MMM+ Romance Reviewed Facebook group for her birthday bash!
Come alone to Jaiydes upcoming birthday bash. author slots are filling up fast and it's going to be a great day featuring 20 amazing authors.
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