Ten Things about Rebecca Cohen - An Author Interview

It was wonderful to get a chance to read some of Rebecca's recent books and review them on the blog (Saving Crofton Hall and Making History at Crofton Hall) and since I was already diving into her back catalog, so I figured why not chat with her about all the things we want to know... so here are ten things we chatted about:

Indie or Traditionally published? - Tell us how this works for you...
At the moment I’m Indie published, but I started out with a small press publisher. I took my rights back in 2019 and self-published my back catalogue. It was hard work getting them all back out, and from Oct 2021 everything I publish is new…yay! But self-publishing is very time consuming and there are only so many hours in the day, so I am also looking to see if I will go hybrid and partner with a publisher for new stories not part of anything I’ve already published.

Tell us about your first… published M/M fiction/romance 
My first published novel was Servitude, Reagalos Book 1, way back in 2012. A high fantasy MM romance with magic and secret lovers. It went out of print for a while but I rewrote it (and its sequel Idolatry) and finished the other books series it was part of in 2021. I left the series dangling for 7 years (to my shame) due to various issues and real life. But Servitude and its brothers are now out in the world

 and then your most recent one..
Making History at Crofton Hall, is another book that’s been a long time coming. It is the second Modern Crofton book, set after Saving Crofton Hall, and centred around Ben Redbourn, the modern day descendant of my earl in my historical series The Crofton Chronicles. I republished Saving Crofton Hall last year, and I’m so happy to be able to release Making History at Crofton Hall because at one point I thought it might never happen. There’s also two more books being written in this series (fingers crossed coming out in 2022/2023)

Do you write full time or part-time?  
I write part-time. I actually really enjoy my day job, and writing has always been a stress relief/outlet  for me, and part of my mental health first-aid kit. I don’t think I could write full-time, I’d probably need something else to make sure I leave the house!

If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Elizabeth I, Shakespeare, Terry Pratchett and PG Wodehouse. And I would serve a selection of Indian dishes because I love them but would love to see the reaction to the food especially Shakespeare and Good Queen Bess.

Something people would be surprised to know about you
People think I’m a historian or must have studied history, which is very flattering,  but I’m actually a scientist by education. Undergrad was Microbiology/Virology and post-grad Biochemical Engineering. Although it has been a long time since I was at university!

Which character still pops into your mind to visit from time to time?

Craig - my Warhammer playing post-doc from my novella He’s Behind You. He’s a nerd/geek and he ends up dating a recently out older lawyer (and gay virgin). I just loved his geekiness and how he managed to keep the city slicker in check

Where do you write?  Do you have a routine?
On the sofa usually. I don’t write full time so I tend to grab time with my laptop in the evening when my son is in bed. Sometimes I slot in writing around my day job if I don’t have a lunchtime meeting. I don’t have a routine, just write when I get the opportunity, but I try to write 1000 words a day but don’t beat myself up if I don’t make it

What are your writing goals for the next year?  The future?
To keep on writing. That might sound odd but I had terrible writer’s block from 2018 to early 2021, and really struggled to put out new work.  I managed a couple of books in that period that I loved but it meant that I lost a lot of momentum in my writing career. In Feb 2021, from nowhere, the dam broke and I wrote and wrote and wrote (I managed 350K words in 2021!) Now I want to write 1000 words a day and see what I manage to publish. 
I’ve a couple of new series in my head and a couple of older series that need to be finished off, and I am exploring working with a publisher again… we will see!

Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/rebecca-cohen

Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Rebecca-Cohen/e/B007UEFIXS

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4515613.Rebecca_Cohen

Website https://rebeccacohenwrites.wordpress.com/

email earlofcrofton@gmail.com

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