Indie or Traditionally published? – Tell us how this works for you...
Indie Author. I have always self published. I enjoy having full control of all of my work.
Plot or Pants? Do you pre-plot your books, use an outline, fly by the seat of your pants or some combination of things? How do you keep track of characters in a series? Do you keep a journal of your characters statistics, such as hair and eye color, relatives, hometown, etc.
I am a bit of a plotter but in the end I usually end up a pantser. I usually have the start of the book plotted and the way I want it to end. The middle then just comes as I’m writing it. My characters are all written down in my little journal, it keeps track of their looks, names and important details. Anything that I deem important in the story I will jot down, to keep in case I forget, which happens regularly. But that’s about as far as plotting goes.
Tell us about your first… published gay fiction/romance
I started by writing Reverse harem and MMF stories that included MM scenes. Then slowly transitioned into gay romance fiction. The first one that I wrote was Forbidden Bound, which is a taboo gay romance. After that I just kept going.
and then your most recent one..
My most current gay romance is Schiavu. It is a dark romance that is about human trafficking. It skirts the line of dubcon/noncon.
Do you write full time or part-time?
I write full time.
If you could invite 4 people (real or fictional, living or dead) to a dinner party, who would you invite and what would you serve?
Phanton of the Opera, Heathcliff, Gregory Peck and my mum. I’d serve a big roast lamb with all the trimmings.
Something people would be surprised to know about you
I used to dance ballroom competitively. (And was actually good at it)
Which character still pops into your mind to visit from time to time?
Kade. My Nephilim Vampire from a book I published years ago, but have since pulled because it was terrible. I’m in the process of rewriting the book.
Where do you write? Do you have a routine?
On my couch. My routine consists of putting on the play list that I have for the book I’m currently writing, check my facebook and other social media’s. Have a can of coke nearby, feet up on the ottoman and laptop on my knee then let the characters begin talking.
What are your writing goals for the next year? The future?
I would like to attend a book signing or three, hopefully the world will re-open to Australia so that I can be involved. I would like to get my name out there more and see my books in those recommended on Facebook groups.
What’s the hardest part about writing M/M romance or erotica?
The hardest part of writing any form of erotica for me is that I actually hate writing sex scenes. I’d rather be killing characters. But they all want to screw!
What else do you want us to know about you?
I’m a pretty laid back person who will chat to anyone. I’m a mum of three adult children, living in a little country town that is very conservative. So, I make a slight splash with my rainbows and erotic stories!
Who’s your biggest supporter/cheerleader?
My three sons, and my mum.
What made you decide gay romance was the genre you wanted to write?
It seemed to be a natural progression for me from what I was writing. I just let my characters decide that they wanted only men. So, that’s what I wrote.
Where do you find inspiration?
Most of my characters come from dreams (true story). Or people I’ve known throughout my life. Sometimes I will see something happen in front of me that will inspire a scene and the story will evolve from there.
What do you do if you hit a wall while writing? How do you combat writer’s block?
I usually will put the story aside and let it sit. Thankfully with the brain that I have, I haven’t had to deal with writer’s block for very long. I have a very overactive mind.
What do your friends and family think of what you write; do they know?
They love it. My boys tell all their friends. I don’t hide what I write from anyone. My mum has even read all of my books. I’ve never had much of a filter so my friends and family just assumed that my books wouldn’t either. They are right!
What is your favorite thing about writing gay romance?
I don’t have to write sweet and romantic. It has it’s place in gay romance, but this genre also lends itself to the dark so easily. And it is in this that I can let my characters that are very alpha or have some major flaws out to play and it just fits.
How can we connect with you?
My email is
My facebook is:
My facebook group is:
My tiktok is:
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