Destination Daddies - ooh I am so looking forward to this series!

Several of my friends, favourite writers - and a few new to me authors are putting out a new multi-author series this summer that I am really looking forward to called Destination Daddies!  Eleven yummy books featuring a variety of daddies and their boys!

So far, I am ARC'ing Reel Love by Kate Hawthorne which is the first book in the series and releases on Thursday!!!   I am reading this tonight and will post a sneak peek review tomorrow morning for you!

The tag line for Reel Love is "A young brat and his buttoned-up best friend together for an unexpected and romantic weekend in Los Angeles. Is it a recipe for disaster or a chance at real love?"

Next up is another one in my ARC TBR pile releases one week later on July 22nd and it's All Tied Up by Reese Morrison, who is a  new to me author!  So excited to dive into a book whose blurb starts out with "Neil knows he’s not the kind of boy that Daddies want.

He’s too old, too plain, and too… boring. So when his best friend sets him up for a kinky singles weekend in the Oregon mountains, all he’s expecting are scenic views.

What he’s not expecting is Jamie, the beautiful, bratty boy who co-owns the lodge and flirts with Neil like he’s something special. Or Jamie’s sexy Daddy, Sebastian, who invites him to be their boy for the weekend."

I just got the news today that I also get to ARC the third Destination Daddies book - Living in Zin by G.R. Lyons - another new to me author!  That's one of the reasons I love these multi-author series, so many new authors to explore!  This one looks like so much fun since it's not only a Destination Daddy story, it's also Poly!  Just look at this opener "Tricked into a wine country vacation with his best friend and his enemy. In walks a virgin, and their love triangle is about to implode.

Maverick Jones has been secretly in love with his best friend almost since the day they met. But Beau is married to Dakota. Who has history with Mav."

With eleven books in all, the Destination Daddies are going to keep this summer hot and steamy!  In addition to these three, I am probably looking most forward to All Dolled Up by my Facebook friend and seriously steamy writer, Chara Croft, who loves to write about pretty boys!  "All Dolled Up has tea parties and teddy bears, a grouchy, overprotective Daddy who had no idea he was one, a nervous boy who thought he was Little but finds out he was wrong, and the discovery of a brand new kink that fits both of them perfectly."  No cover release for this one yet.. but knowing Chara, I'm sure it will be hot!  Chara is also running a giveaway tied to her pre-orders for All Dolled Up in her Facebook group Chara and Honey's Dirty Little Secret, where I am sure she will also be doing a cover reveal very soon!

Check out the entire line up on Amazon and let me know in the comments which one you are looking most forward to!
