Full Service (Franklin U 2 Book 5) by Cora Rose

We have another new member to the FU writing team this season snd she keeps pace with the other authors. FULL SERVICE is a TA/professor age gap low angst romance.

From the blurb:

In all of my years as a professor, never did I imagine I’d end up getting a lap dance from a student. But I did. What’s worse? He’s my new TA. And the icing on top of the cake? I can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t get him off my mind.

I’m Dr. Silas Sinclair. Respectable educator and a man with his head on his shoulders. I don’t break the rules. I don’t cross boundaries. And I certainly don’t stalk students.

Or at least I didn’t until him.

Everly Winslow is bad news waiting to happen. He’s everything I should stay away from, but I can’t. The flirting. The taunting. It’s constant, and it’s too much.

I’m only human and it’s only a matter of time before I crack and give in to my desires. When all is said and done, will I be able to maintain my respectable career or will it all crash and burn?

Molly Otto's review:

The tension of these two men was undeniable from first real interaction! The two become slightly stalker adjacent of each other but not in a creepy way. They just pull into each other, and even when they deny it, they cannot until it just explodes to pure fire. Silas needed someone like Everly to be able to loosen up and actually be truly happy. I found myself skimming some of the intimate times for me it ended up being too many vs. just that right amount. I know other readers will love this, just not needed for me. Cora made a fun addition to the Franklin U universe and felt her story fit with the rest of these authors while still keeping her own style with it.

Jacqueleen the Reading Queen's review:

"If I come in my pants and have to sit in my mess all through my office hours, I'm going to fire him."

OMG this book was freaking ridiculously hilarious! I swear just when I finished taking a break to get my laughing under control, something else unbelievable would happen and I'd be laughing again. These two just had me in stiches. Between Silas and his completely obvious stalking of Everly and Everly's constant flaunting of his ASSets to tempt Silas into losing control. It was an all-round fun and good time read.

"He couldn't make a bad impression if he tried at this point. His ass can do no wrong."

I do have to say, Silas had me feeling such a visceral moment of secondhand embarrassment for him during one of his creepy stalker missions. It involves his car and getting wedged in a rather odd position for Everly to discover him in. I swear I felt like crawling in a hole to hide with him. Thankfully the lovely Everly just found it amusing. Honestly, he totally loved that Silas couldn't stay away from him. He ate that shit up.

Everly was not immune from the obsession these two had for each other. He was just as guilty of being ridiculous and lusting after his professor. I knew he'd wear Silas down eventually and when he did, OH BOY, was it good!! I'm pretty sure they thoroughly made up for the lost time they spent trying not to jump one another at the start. I just adored these two and felt it was the perfect read to have you finish with a smile on your face.

Full Service is currently available as an audiobook, e-book and paperback, and can be read as part of your Kindle Unlimited Subscription

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Release Tour & Giveaway:
Full Service
By Cora Rose

Full Service Cover

Cover Designer: Natasha Snow
Model: Samuel Photographer: Xram Ragde

Franklin University Series Season 2, Book 5

In all of my years as a professor, never did I imagine I’d end up getting a lap dance from a student. But I did. What’s worse? He’s my new TA. And the icing on top of the cake? I can’t stop thinking about it. Can’t get him off my mind.

I’m Dr. Silas Sinclair. Respectable educator and a man with his head on his shoulders. I don’t break the rules. I don’t cross boundaries. And I certainly don’t stalk students.

Or at least I didn’t until him. Everly Winslow is bad news waiting to happen. He’s everything I should stay away from, but I can’t. The flirting. The taunting. It’s constant, and it’s too much.

I’m only human and it’s only a matter of time before I crack and give in to my desires. When all is said and done, will I be able to maintain my respectable career or will it all crash and burn?

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To celebrate the release of Full Service, Cora is giving away 2 e-copies of the release!

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About the Author:

Cora Rose loves any kind of romance and consumes way too many books each year.

She currently lives in the U.S. and spends her days daydreaming about the characters inside her head. Her books have swoon and steam with characters you'll fall in love with.

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